Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Perfect Cupcake

       Hi everyone. Today I wanted to write about how to make a perfect cupcake. The first trick I would like to talk about is cold ingredients. Often, people will mix ingredients into their cake batter regardless of the temperature. However, the temperature of your ingredients does matter. When baking a cake of cupcakes, always make sure that all of your ingredients are room temperature. This greatly affects the consistency of the batter. By having all of the ingredients at room temperature, you will find your batter less clumpy and will eliminate balls of flour in your finished product.
My next tip is to not over-mix that batter. Have you ever heard the saying “baking is science”? Well it really is. When you mix batter, make sure that you only mix it until all of the ingredients have combined. If you over-mix then you crush some of the air bubbles. Then, when it bakes the remaining air bubbles burst because of the force put on them instead of the small, normal expansion creating fluffiness. This explosion will leave you with hollow-out cupcakes that are tough. If you want moist cakes, don’t over-mix! 

My final tip is about scooping your batter into the cupcake holders. One of the most common mistakes that people make when baking cupcakes is adding to much or to little to the cupcake holders. The trick is don’t eyeball it. For normal sized cupcakes use a large cookie scoop and for miniature sized cupcakes use a small cookie scoop. 


  1. Wow! I never knew that the temperature mattered before cooking. Air bubbles are crushed. I would never have guessed that. Thanks for teaching me how to make perfect cupcakes.

  2. Why do you have to write about such a delicious subject??????? I like your blog!

  3. Yummy! Stop, it's torture torture. I love the food. I want some. Your blog makes me feel like I want a cupcake. I love blogs with food. They are so cool. Great blog. Your blog makes me want to eat it because its so yummy. My favorite cupcakes!

  4. That cupcake looks so perfect!!! except I think that that cup cake has two holders on it. Your blog looks great and now I want to make cupcakes. Maybe this weekend. But thanks for the science tip.
